Kavli Auditorium
Colloquium Series at SLAC

SLAC's colloquium talks are aimed at a broad scientific and technical audience, but occasionally, those talks may be of more general interest.

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SLAC Audience


What is the Colloquium Series at SLAC?

The SLAC Colloquium series is the venue for the SLAC community to hear about a wide range of scientific and science-related topics presented by notable speakers, both from SLAC and Stanford University, but also from institutions across the country and around the world. An integral part of SLAC's academic culture, colloquium talks are aimed at a broad scientific and technical audience, but occasionally, those talks may be of more general interest. The pre-colloquium refreshment time provides an opportunity for the in-person attendees to informally share ideas about their work, and identify potential synergies. It is thus aimed to be an "intellectual watering hole" for the SLAC community.

Currently, the talks are in the hybrid format, taking place during the Stanford academic year, at 3:30 PM on Mondays. The in-person part takes place at the Kavli Auditorium, and includes refreshments starting at 3:15 PM. The upcoming talks (as well as the links for the remote access to the presentations) are advertised here, on this site. The recordings of past colloquia can be reached from that site as well.

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Building robust decision making systems for autonomous systems is challenging. Decisions must be made based on imperfect information about the environment and with uncertainty about how the environment will evolve. In addition, these systems must carefully balance safety with other...
Aeronautics and Astronautics
My long-term research goal is to enable real robots to manipulate any kind of object so that they can perform many different tasks in a wide variety of application scenarios, such as in our homes, hospitals, warehouses, or factories. These...
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