Gerhard Klimeck, Purdue University

Mythbusting Knowledge Transfer - New Paradigms in Research, Education, and Publishing Through Shared Science Gateways

Gerhard Klimeck, Purdue University


Around 2008 our peer reviewers held these beliefs to be true: "No one will use computational research-based app to analyze or guide experiments. No one will use such apps in education. Such apps are not publications!" Today we measure how experimentalists, researchers in adjacent fields, and education researchers cite nanoHUB in the literature in over 2,600 papers. User behavior analytics points to over 90,000 students in over 3,600 structured classes who have used nanoHUB apps in education and these apps are now listed in the Web-of-Science and Google Scholar. This presentation will highlight these paradigm shifts.

About Gerhard Klimeck

Gerhard Klimeck, Purdue University

Gerhard Klimeck is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University and he leads two research centers in Purdue's Discovery Park. He is the director of, a shared science gateway. He has helped to grow from 500 to over 2M users annually. His computational research addresses electronic structure and non-equilibrium quantum transport in nanoelectronic devices. The suite of Nanoelectronic modeling tools (NEMO) built in his research groups at Texas Instruments, NASA/JPL, and now Purdue simulates electron flow in atomistically small nanoelectronic devices. NEMO5 scales to over 200,000 cores, served over 56,000 nanoHUB users in 9 apps, and helped Intel design transistors since 2015. NEMO5 is now commercialized with SILVACO. Gerhard has published over 500 printed articles and is a fellow of IEEE, APS, IOP, AAAS, and the Humboldt Foundation.

Audience: Public

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