It's YOUR society: strategic planning for the American Physical Society
Roger Falcone, UC Berkeley
Abstract: I will summarize some major activities and strategic plans of the American Physical Society, including: publishing research while opening access; advocating in Washington for funding for research and new initiatives, fostering education, and supporting appropriate immigration policies for graduate students from other countries; engaging more physicists who are in the private sector; expanding outreach to grow and diversify our profession; and articulating what our members consider to be ethical conduct. Over the last year, a strategic planning process has engaged hundreds of APS members. Your feedback on the resulting strategy is sought, and implementation of the best new ideas can engage all of us.
About Roger Falcone

Roger Falcone is a professor of physics at the University of California, Berkeley, and an affiliated faculty member of Berkeley's Energy and Resources Group and Applied Science and Technology Program. He chaired the Physics Department from 1995-2000. As of January 2018 he is a Professor of the Graduate School at Berkeley. He received his A.B. in Physics (1974) from Princeton, and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering (1979) from Stanford, and was a Marvin Chodorow Fellow in Applied Physics (1980-83) at Stanford. Falcone is currently President of the American Physical Society (2018), and serves in the Presidential Line for APS during 2016-19. He was the Director of the Advanced Light Source x-ray synchrotron facility at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab from 2006-2017. He was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and is a fellow of the American Physical Society, Optical Society of America, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Audience: Public