Physics at LHCb
Sheldon Stone, Syracuse University
I will describe the LHCb experiment that studies decays of b quarks (mass of 5 GeV), and charm quarks (1.5 GeV), and show how studying these particles we are sensitive to physics and new particles at very large mass scales of several TeV and up. Specific measurements of CP violation and tests of lepton flavor universality will be discussed. Strong interactions are also studied; the have detected several particles that do not fit in the simple quark model, such as tetraquarks and pentaquarks.
About Sheldon Stone

Sheldon Stone is a Distinguished Prof. of Physics at Syracuse Univ. and leader of the experimental high energy physics group since 1993. He has made significant contributions in the areas of data analysis, detector construction, and phenomenology. Some of the most important results reported in papers he authored are the discovery of enhancements in the mass spectrum from b-baryon decay that are consistent with pentaquark states, precision measurements of the CP violating phases in Bs decays, lifetimes of the Bs meson, the b-baryon, and pseudoscalar decay constants of D+ and Ds+ mesons, as well as the first observations of Ds+, B0 and B+ mesons by fully reconstructing their decay products. He won the 2019 Panofsky prize in Experimental Particle Physics.
Dr. Stone served as the LHCb Upgrade coordinator from 2008-2011 during which time the project was organized and the LOI submitted. Currently the Syracuse group is leading the construction of the silicon-strip tracking component of the upgrade. Dr. Stone also conceived of and led the construction of both the CsI crystal EM calorimeter for the CLEO II upgrade and the RICH detector for CLEO III. He edited and contributed to the book B Decays," both 1st and 2nd editions published by World Scientific, as well as writing several theory papers and seminal review articles.
Dr. Stone served as the CLEO physics analysis coordinator in 1988 and as co-spokesperson from 2007-2008. He also was co-spokesperson of the BTeV effort from 1997 until its termination in 2005. He has been a member of the U.S. LHC Users Association executivecommittee since 2008 and serves as the vice-chair. He was a member of the Fermilab PAC, Board of Overseers, and Board of Directors. Currently he is deeply engaged in the first LHCb upgrade, planning for the next upgrade, as well as several new physics analysis efforts. He enjoys tennis and skiing.
Dr. Stone graduated Brooklyn College with a B.S. in Physics in 1967, and received a Ph.D. from the University of Rochester in 1972. He previously held positions at Vanderbilt University (Assistant Professor) and Cornell University (Senior Research Associate and Adjunct Professor). He spent a year's leave in 2011-2012 as a Scientific Associate at CERN. He is a fellow of the American Physical Society.