Sustainable Concrete Construction – Present and Future
Prof. Antonio Nanni, University of Miami
Abstract: As the most common construction material and second only to water in terms of use by mankind, concrete cannot simply be replaced with another material at a large scale. In terms of global usage, 14B cubic meters of concrete were produced in 2020 using 4.2B tonnes of cement. Concrete provides a durable and resilient solution at a cost that other materials cannot match. However, cement production alone accounts for about 7–8% of global CO2 emissions and about 70M tonnes (or roughly 1%) of US CO2 emissions per year. Decarbonization by 2050, is a goal of this industry. This presentation will touch on four topics. First, it will provide a short introduction to the American Concrete Institute (ACI) as a technical organization, its new initiatives, and its standards. Second, it will address the challenges and opportunities of decarbonization of concrete including market initiatives, road-mapping, and ACI response. The third topic will address non-metallic reinforcement and a sample of field use as a response to improved concrete sustainability. Finally, part four will show a possible approach to the construction of a proposed linear collider with emphasis on sustainability in terms of efficiency, speed and economy.
About Prof. Antonio Nanni, University of Miami
Nanni’s research interests include construction materials, their structural performance and field application with a focus on the sustainability and resilience of buildings and civil infrastructure. He is the UM site-director of the National Science Foundation’s Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for the Integration of Composites into Infrastructure.
During the past 35+ years, Nanni has studied concrete and advanced composite-based systems as the principal investigator on many research projects sponsored by federal and state agencies as well as private industry. Some of the innovative field projects he contributed to have received national awards. His research in materials and structures has impacted the work of standard-writing technical committees in the United States and abroad. Nanni is the editor-in-chief of the ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering and serves on the editorial board of other technical journals. Since returning to UM in 2006, he has advised or co-advised 31 PhD students, has published 158 papers in refereed journals, has published 216 papers in conference proceedings, and co-authored two books.
During his career, Nanni has received many awards and recognitions including the Knight of the Order of the Star of Italy conferred by the Italian President in 2019. Nanni was elected President of the American Concrete Institute (ACI) and serves as the 100th President for the term 2023-24. He is a fellow of four technical societies and is a registered professional engineer in Italy and four U.S. states.