future collider

What Is the Next Milestone for High-Energy Particle Colliders?

Michael E. Peskin, SLAC


The CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has discovered the Higgs boson and confirmed the predictions for many of its properties given by the “Standard Model” of particle physics. However, this does not mean that particle physics is solved. Mysteries that the Standard Model does not address are still with us and, indeed, stand out more sharply than ever. To understand these mysteries, we need experiments at still higher energies. In this colloquium, I will argue that we should be planning for a particle collider reaching energies of about 10 times those of the LHC in the collisions of elementary particles. Today, there is no technology that can produce such energies robustly and at a reasonable cost. However, many solutions are under study, including colliders for protons, muons, electrons, and photons. I will review the status of these approaches to the design of the next great energy-frontier accelerator.

About Michael E. Peskin

Michael E. Peskin

Michael received his Ph.D. in theoretical physics from Cornell University in 1978, working with Kenneth Wilson.  After a term as a Junior Fellow at Harvard University and postdoctoral stays at CEN Saclay and Cornell, Michael joined the SLAC faculty in 1982.  Under the stimulation of many SLAC colleagues, he has contributed to the theory of collider phenomena, precision electroweak interactions, and the search for new physics beyond the Standard Model.  He is the author of two textbooks, "An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory", with Daniel Schroeder, and "Concepts of Elementary Particle Physics".


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