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The delivery of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility's new EBS source and beamline, and first results

Dr. Francesco Sette, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility

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Location Kavli Auditorium and zoom
Virtual event Zoom link


The European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) has been carrying out a major reconstruction programme, which started in 2009 and ended in 2023.  This programme, referred to as the ESRF Upgrade Programme, is grounded on ESRF role and mission of pioneering synchrotron science to the benefit of science and society at large.  To this purpose, new adapted concepts – enhancing X-ray source and instrument performance to explore with high spatial resolution condensed and living matter – have been developed.

The implementation of the ESRF Upgrade Programme, allowed an almost complete reconstruction of the ESRF facility, with 27 new beamlines, a new storage ring-based X-ray synchrotron source (the EBS, Extremely Brilliant Source), and new scientific and IT infrastructures and instruments.

I will present a summary of the ESRF programme with emphasis to the construction and commissioning of the EBS storage ring, and on its impact to new opportunities in X-ray science and applications.  


About Dr. Francesco Sette

Francesco Sette

Dr. Sette received his university education in physics (doctoral graduation in Physics in 1982 at the University of Rome, La Sapienza) with principal interest in condensed-matter physics.

His scientific interest and training is on the study of the properties of condensed matter with X-ray scattering and spectroscopy methods. He engaged on the development of new and first-of-a-kind synchrotron-based techniques and instrumentation, enabling – among others – breakthrough investigations in the determination of the orbital and spin parts of magnetic moments of a specific atomic species in magnetic materials, and the measurement and identification of structural relaxation effects of hyper-sound propagation in disordered materials and liquids.

In 2001, Dr. Sette became the Director of Research first and then Director General of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF).  Since then, his interest and career activities progressively turned towards science programmes development, implementation and management. Leading the ESRF during the last two decades, he contributed conceiving and implementing its ambitious Upgrade Programme, which has fully renewed the facility after ~30 years from its initial conception and delivery. In fact, aligning with the ESRF mission to serve the most demanding synchrotron user community from the ESRF member countries and from all over the world, he maintained the ESRF at the forefront, and a role model for international cooperation and for the advancement of science with synchrotron X-rays.
