Helen R. Quinn

How and why new Standards are changing ( or trying to change) k-12 science education

Helen R. Quinn, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory


California is one of more than 30 states that have adopted new science standards based on the suggestions of an NRC study that I led. I will explain the major shifts that these new standards introduce to science classrooms and the reasons for them. The process of implementation is a district-by-district effort, as well as a state level one. I will talk about the opportunities and challenges of this process, and why it is that I devote much of my time these days to help move forward various related efforts to support and influence this work.

About Helen R. Quinn

Helen R. Quinn

Helen Quinn is Professor Emerita of Particle Physics and Astrophysics at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory . She received her Ph.D in physics at Stanford in 1967.  She worked at SLAC from 1977 until her retirement in 2010, and has received many awards for her research  in theoretical particle physics.  She has been active in science education for some years, and since her retirement this has been her major activity. She was a founding member of the Contemporary Physics Education Project (CPEP) which produced a well-known standard-model poster for schools in 1987. She served as Chair of the US National Academy of Sciences Board on Science Education (BOSE) from 2009-2014. She was the chair of the BOSE study committee that the “Framework for K-12 Science Education”, which is the basis of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and similar standards now adopted by about 30 states in the US, including California, and now acts as an advisor those seeking to implement these new standards and to science education researchers studying aspects of that work.

Audience: Public

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