Sunset Over SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
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Around 2008 our peer reviewers held these beliefs to be true: "No one will use computational research-based app to analyze or guide experiments. No one will use such apps in education. Such apps are not publications!" Today we measure how...
Gerhard Klimeck, Purdue University
Electromagnetic fields represent a fundamental aspect of nature and serve as the primary carrier of energy. New abilities to control electromagnetic fields, as enabled for example by the developments of metamaterials and nanophotonic structures, can therefore have profound implications for...
Shanhui Fan, Stanford University
The Higgs boson was discovered in 2012 by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the world’s most powerful particle collider, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva, Switzerland. This particle plays a unique role in fundamental physics. It gives all...
Caterina Vernieri, SLAC
Globally, our water supply is becoming increasing dependent on groundwater, but as a direct source and as a means of water storage.  Climate change and population growth will only serve to increase our reliance on groundwater.  To sustain groundwater supplies...
Scott Fendorf, Stanford University
New polls show 7 in 10 Americans support legislation to eliminate fossil fuel emissions from the transportation, electricity, buildings, industry, and agricultural sectors by 2050. Then why is nuclear power — our largest and best source of carbon-free electricity in...
Madison Czerwinski
Last fall, a team at Google announced the first-ever demonstration of "quantum computational supremacy"---that is, a clear quantum speedup over a classical computer for some task---using a 53-qubit programmable superconducting chip called Sycamore.  In addition to engineering, their accomplishment built...
Scott Aaronson
Synthetic biology – the design and construction of new biological parts and systems and the redesign of existing ones for useful purposes – is transforming fields from fuels to pharmaceuticals and beyond. Our lab has pioneered the potential of synthetic...
Lynn Rothschild
Quantum devices and materials have exceptional promise for energy, computation, communication, and sensing. To realize this potential, scientists and engineers must find the right physical systems. Emergent phenomena in quantum systems often exhibit magnetic signatures. Superconducting QUantum Interference Devices (SQUIDs)...
Kathryn A."Kam" Moler
In a 1954 paper “Galileo as a critic of the arts”,  Erwin Panofsky wrote that the Florentine’s culture in which Galileo lived, his participation  in the visual arts, literature and music communities that at the time made Florence a leading...
Claudio Pellegrini