Sunset Over SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
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At the end of the Second World War, the Allied powers convened a series of international military tribunals to prosecute Nazi and Japanese officials responsible for the mass atrocities that occurred in both the European and Pacific theaters. International criminal...
Carmen Cheung Ka-Man, Center for Justice and Accountability
Over the last 20 years, searches for dark matter above the proton mass have advanced significantly across direct and indirect searches, but sub-GeV dark matter has until recently been comparatively unprobed. In this talk, I will discuss the state of...
Noah Kurinsky, SLAC
Nearly one century ago, the Navajo Nation government was created in response to the discovery of major oil reserves on Navajoland, a 28,000 square mile landmass that spans Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. The newly founded government accepted agreements with...
Heather Fleming, Change Labs
Supermassive black holes in the centers of galaxies power some of the brightest objects we see in the Universe; active galactic nuclei (AGN). Much remains unknown, however, about exactly how energy is released from the material falling in through the...
Dan Wilkins, Kavli Institute, Stanford University
Why do falling cats always land on their feet? The question has long intrigued humans. In this talk, we explore how the solution stumped brilliant minds and how it helped solve other seemingly impossible puzzles. With numerous photos and videos...
Greg Gbur, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Supercomputer performance now exceeds that of the earliest computers by thirteen orders of magnitude, yet science still needs more than they provide.  Prior to 1990, supercomputers were powered by one, or a few, sequential or vector processors.  But since 1990...
Rob Schreiber, Cerebras Systems Inc.
I present a new measurement of the positive muon anomalous magnetic moment a_μ=(g_μ-2)/2  from the Fermilab E989 experiment.    The quantity a_μ  is an exquisite probe of the quantum corrections of the muon interaction with the electromagnetic field.  The experiment...
Hogan Nguyen, Fermilab
I will describe the LHCb experiment that studies decays of b quarks (mass of 5 GeV), and charm quarks (1.5 GeV), and show how studying these particles we are sensitive to physics and new particles at very large mass scales...
Sheldon Stone, Syracuse University
In 2017 April, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) observed the near-horizon region around the supermassive black hole at the core of the M87 galaxy. These 1.3 mm wavelength observations revealed a compact asymmetric ring-like source morphology. This structure originates from...
Maciek Wielgus, Harvard University