Sunset Over SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
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While it is considered to be one of the most promising hints of new physics beyond the Standard Model, dark matter is as-yet known only through its gravitational influence on astronomical and cosmological observables. I will discuss our current best...
Katie Mack, North Carolina State University
These are extraordinary times for immunology, vaccinology, and the world. In the few short months since its emergence, the devastating impact of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has radically transformed virtually every dimension of our lives and fueled an urgent global imperative...
Bali Pulendran, Stanford University School of Medicine
The demonstration of nuclear fusion in the laboratory and eventual utilization as an unlimited energy source has been a grand challenge for physicists and engineers for 70 years. All life on earth depends on this process that powers our sun...
Siegfried Glenzer, SLAC
First discovered serendipitously in 1967, the phenomena known as gamma-ray bursts - short-lived, extremely bright flashes of high-energy radiation - mystified astronomers for decades. Despite many breakthroughs, key open questions - such as the mechanism responsible for the prompt gamma-ray...
Brad Cenko, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center