Sunset Over SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
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The dianionic oxo ligand occupies a very special place in coordination chemistry, owing to its ability to donate pi electrons to stabilize high oxidation states of metals. The ligand field theory of multiple bonding in metal-oxos predicts that there must...
Harry B. Gray
Dr. Williams’ lab, Stanford Brain Stimulation Lab (BSL), has worked to develop novel neuromodulation technologies capable of producing robust changes in targeted neural networks. The Stanford BSL recently demonstrated that an intensive form of theta-burst stimulation coupled with individualized targeting...
Nolan Williams
In many ways, nuclear power has never been more needed than right now, but the challenges that nuclear power is experiencing in many parts of the world are substantial and largely tied to economics.  In the U.S., plants are shutting...
Kurt Edsinger
The first major experiments at SLAC were the electron proton scattering studies at End Station A in the late 60’s. The deep inelastic scattering yielded a complete surprise - the electrons were scattering off charged points in the proton. Follow...
Marty Breidenbach
"How is that even possible?" In 2015 the twin detectors of the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) made the first measurement of the stretching of space-time caused by a passing gravitational wave. The peak strain along the 4 km...
Brian Lantz
The secure, sustainable and affordable supply of energy in the face of a growing population and increasing standard of living is one of the grand challenges of our global society. Rising concerns about air pollution and manmade climate change with...
Wolfgang Eberhardt
The National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL or MagLab) is a facility at Florida State University, the University of Florida, and Los Alamos National Laboratory that performs research at high magnetic fields in materials physics, chemistry, geochemistry, and biology.  It...
Laura Greene
The ALPHA Collaboration at CERN has combined antiprotons and positrons to create and probe antihydrogen atoms. ALPHA can now store over 1000 antihydrogen atoms at a time for thousands of seconds.  We have developed techniques to conduct precision physics using...
Jonathan Wurtele
Substantial astronomical observations have established that approximately 25% of the energy density of the universe is composed of cold non-baryonic dark matter, whose detection and characterization could be key to improving our understanding of the laws of physics. Over the...
Matt Pyle