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Quantized sound waves---phonons---govern the elastic response of crystalline materials, and also play an integral part in determining their thermodynamic properties and electrical response (e.g., by binding electrons into superconducting Cooper pairs). The physics of lattice phonons and elasticity is absent...
Benjamin Lev, Stanford University
The fast growth of portable power sources for transportation and grid-scale stationary storage presents great opportunities for battery development. The invention of lithium ion batteries has been recognized with Nobel Prize in 2019. How to increase energy density, reduce cost...
Yi Cui, Stanford University
What is really inside a proton? The fundamental building blocks of the proton, quarks and gluons, have been known for decades. However, we still have an incomplete understanding of how these particles and their dynamics give rise to the quantum...
Dr. Ming Xiong Liu, Los Alamos National Laboratory
The interstellar medium is the "stuff between the stars" in galaxies: the dynamic, turbulent environment out of which new stars are born. Understanding the processes that govern star formation and galactic evolution are areas of active research, and open questions...
Susan Clark, Stanford University
The Higgs boson was discovered in 2012 by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the world’s most powerful particle collider, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva, Switzerland. This particle plays a unique role in fundamental physics. It gives all...
Caterina Vernieri, SLAC
At the end of the Second World War, the Allied powers convened a series of international military tribunals to prosecute Nazi and Japanese officials responsible for the mass atrocities that occurred in both the European and Pacific theaters. International criminal...
Carmen Cheung Ka-Man, Center for Justice and Accountability
Over the last 20 years, searches for dark matter above the proton mass have advanced significantly across direct and indirect searches, but sub-GeV dark matter has until recently been comparatively unprobed. In this talk, I will discuss the state of...
Noah Kurinsky, SLAC
Globally, our water supply is becoming increasing dependent on groundwater, but as a direct source and as a means of water storage.  Climate change and population growth will only serve to increase our reliance on groundwater.  To sustain groundwater supplies...
Scott Fendorf, Stanford University
Nearly one century ago, the Navajo Nation government was created in response to the discovery of major oil reserves on Navajoland, a 28,000 square mile landmass that spans Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. The newly founded government accepted agreements with...
Heather Fleming, Change Labs