Sunset Over SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
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The Department of Energy operates sixteen of its seventeen national laboratories under the government-owned, contractor-operated (GOCO) model. Under this model, Stanford holds the contract for the operation of SLAC, and is responsible for overseeing the performance of the laboratory and...
Dr. Stephen Streiffer, Stanford University
The James Webb Space Telescope was launched on Dec. 25, 2021, and commissioning was completed in early July 2022. With its 6.5 m golden eye, and cameras and spectrometers covering 0.6 to 28 µm, Webb is already producing magnificent images...
John Mather, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) is mapping the sky with a 5000-fiber robotic focal plane and 10 optical spectrographs. I will describe the challenges in construction, installation, commissioning, operations, and data reduction. The 13 million galaxies mapped in the...
David Schlegel, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
In this talk I will discuss recent results from a collaboration between the Simon & Schuster labs, where we have developed techniques for assembling quantum matter from strongly interacting microwave photons. Beginning with a description of the platform - an...
Jon Simon, Stanford University, Physics and Applied Physics
Around 2008 our peer reviewers held these beliefs to be true: "No one will use computational research-based app to analyze or guide experiments. No one will use such apps in education. Such apps are not publications!" Today we measure how...
Gerhard Klimeck, Purdue University
Electromagnetic fields represent a fundamental aspect of nature and serve as the primary carrier of energy. New abilities to control electromagnetic fields, as enabled for example by the developments of metamaterials and nanophotonic structures, can therefore have profound implications for...
Shanhui Fan, Stanford University
The nature and origin of dark matter are among the most compelling mysteries of contemporary science. There is strong evidence for dark matter from its role in shaping the galaxies and galaxy clusters that we observe in the universe. For...
Maria Elena Monzani, Tomasz Biesiadzinski, and Alden Fan, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
The magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ), a device comprised of two ferromagnetic electrodes with a thin (~1nm) insulating tunnel barrier in between, was first proposed in a Ph.D. thesis by Michel Jullière in 1975 and reached widespread commercialization nearly 30 years...
Dr. Tiffany S. Santos, Western Digital Corporation; 2022 IEEE Magnetics Society Distinguished Lecturer
Earthquakes occur by overcoming fault friction, and therefore quantifying the resistance of faults is central to earthquake physics. Both static and dynamic friction values are required, and the latter is especially difficult to determine on natural faults. Perhaps the only...
Prof. Emily Brodsky, University of California / Santa Cruz