Sunset Over SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
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Memorial Day
Abstract: The invention of attosecond light sources using high-harmonic generation  has inspired a new field of research. Attosecond science is concerned with the study of electronic dynamics in quantum systems, and it has influenced a variety of scientific disciplines: from...
Attosecond X-ray Free-Electron Lasers
Abstract: In this talk we will present an update on the Lab’s science and technology strategy, which has been under development for the past few months. This strategy was recently presented to SLAC’s Board of Oversight Science & Technology Committee...
Update on SLAC’s Science & Technology Strategy Graphic
Abstract: Wise policies will balance the certainties and uncertainties of a changing climate against the world’s growing demand for reliable and affordable energy. I will describe the scientific, technological, and societal realities that should be informing those policies.
Wile E. Coyote Cartoon character for energy talk
Abstract: Radiation therapy has become one of the most effective and cost effective precision targeted cancer therapies. This colloquium will review the evolution of radiotherapy in recent years, and highlight future directions in its continued evolution towards more effective cure...
Refreshments start at 3:30 pm  Registration Required Registration is ONLY required if attending in  person. For free tickets, go to: Abstract: Born at the dawn of the new millennium, attosecond “photography” has opened the door for capturing...
Ferenc Krausz
Abstract: The red-hot glow of the primordial universe, after 13.8 billion years of redshift, is observed today by our telescopes as the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). Spatial variations of CMB intensity and polarization across the sky provide a record of...
Investigating cosmic origin and evolution with CMB-S4
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