Sunset Over SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
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The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a 27km circumference hadron collider, built at CERN to explore the energy frontier of particle physics. Approved in 1994 after 10 years of prototyping of the main accelerator components, it was commissioned and began...
Frederick Bordry
Programmable proteins that detect and cut specific DNA sequences were uncovered by research to understand how bacteria fight viral infections. In collaboration with Emmanuelle Charpentier’s laboratory, we determined how the enzyme Cas9, which is part of CRISPR-Cas adaptive bacterial immunity...
Jennifer A. Doudna
California is one of more than 30 states that have adopted new science standards based on the suggestions of an NRC study that I led. I will explain the major shifts that these new standards introduce to science classrooms and...
Helen R. Quinn
Color centers in wide bandgap materials, such as silicon vacancies (SiV) in diamond and (VSi) in silicon-carbide (SiC), represent a promising platform for implementation of quantum technologies: they exhibit a small spectral inhomogeneity and a minimal sensitivity to environment, which...
Jelena Vuckovic
Abstract: I will summarize some major activities and strategic plans of the American Physical Society, including: publishing research while opening access; advocating in Washington for funding for research and new initiatives, fostering education, and supporting appropriate immigration policies for graduate...
Roger Falcone
In this talk I will review the research on the benefits of diversity for innovation, and unpack the critical factors that teams should consider when seeking to leverage the benefits of diversity for innovation. Participants will leave the session with...
Caroline Simard
The 10th century parchment document known as the Archimedes Palimpsest contains the oldest surviving copy of works by the Greek genius Archimedes of Syracuse (287 – 212 BC). To uncover his obscured writings we developed the technique of rapid-scan X-ray...
Uwe Bergmann
Electron microscopes achieve sub-Å spatial resolution through the introduction of the cold field-emitter and aberration correction optics. It is the interplay between atomic-scale structure and the associated ultrafast dynamics that governs the macroscopic functionality observed in matter. Ultrafast electron probe...
Xijie Wang
The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) is an experiment that is being performed on a global array of millimeter wavelength telescopes that span the Earth from Hawaii to Chile and from the South Pole to Arizona. With the full array, it...
Feryal Özel