We present four new findings regarding the state of knowledge and remaining uncertainties concerning the anthropogenic agents of climate change. These agents include the long-lived greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and the short-lived climate forcers including methane and aerosols. ...
In complex organisms such as ourselves, cells must coordinate their proliferation and differentiation to build and maintain normal tissues and structures. The Hedgehog signaling protein is one of the extracellular signals that cells use to coordinate their behavior. Hedgehog signaling...
In this talk, I will show how the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, your philanthropic neighbor on Page Mill Road, helps fund basic science. With an annual science budget of $100 Million per year, we are small compared to federal...
I’ll point out that there are a wide variety of markets, including many in which prices don’t do all the work of deciding who gets what. Then I’ll focus on one of the most unusual markets I’ve helped design, the...
The laser has revolutionized many areas of science and society, transforming the ways we investigate science and enabling trillions of dollars of commerce. Now a second laser revolution is underway with pulsed petawatt-class lasers (1 petawatt: 1 million billion watts)...
The idea for an accelerator on a chip grew from early interactions with SLAC in 1996. The Advanced Accelerator Division led by Robert Siemann elected to collaborate with a campus group led by R. L. Byer. Early success from the...
SLAC was founded in the midst of the Cold War era particle physics heyday, and for a long time, it competed for world leadership in the field, through the construction and operation of cutting-edge accelerators. But the world changed around...
I will describe the importance of understanding spatiotemporal dynamics in ecology, beginning with a number of examples, both empirical and theoretical. I will discuss a number of systems where the study of spatiotemporal dynamics has provided insights into mechanismsI will...